Inkscape transparent background
Inkscape transparent background

You can see that the export has a white background.

inkscape transparent background inkscape transparent background

We added a blue background to give a better visual. Anything that is off the page will be cut off. This is the result you will get when exporting the page area. We then opened the exported PNG file in Inkscape. As an example, we resized the design so it was a bit off the page. The Page Export Area option exports everything on the page area. You will have four options for exporting. The Export PNG Image window will appear on the right hand side. To save as a PNG file go to File > Export PNG. JPG will not allow a transparent background. When saving as an image for use in projects like sublimation, you will want to save as PNG. We have a great tutorial on grouping and ungrouping of objects in Inkscape if needed. For designs that have been ungrouped, you will need to use the Move Tool and click + drag a bounding box around all of the objects to select and resize together. If needed, resize the images to the required size for the document. We quickly set up our work area and placed multiple PNG designs in one document. So for now, the images will have a white background. We will be exporting with a transparent background in a later step. The export examples below are a visual guide.

inkscape transparent background

Before we export, we need to understand the export settings. When you Export a file, it is saved as PNG. In this tutorial we are using this fall sublimation bundle but we have a great selection of Fall Sublimation Designs for you to choose from. We will show you how to get around this so your files export with a transparent background When exporting you may still have issues with a white background showing. This is important for designs such as sublimation. In this tutorial we will show you how to save and export files with a transparent background in Inkscape.

Inkscape transparent background